We Believe
Fully inspired by God without error and the final authority in all matters of Christian life and doctrine.
The Trinity in Unity, revealed as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is the Creator of all things,
with the culminating work of His creative activity being the creation of human beings, male and female, who
are made in His image. Therefore, from the moment of conception until natural death, human life should be
cherished and protected.
In Whose person, by incarnation, true Deity and perfect humanity have been united. We believe in His virgin birth,
sinless life, atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension, and return in the air for His people and His visible
return to earth to establish His kingdom.
We believe in the Deity of the Holy Spirit. He is the person of the Trinity Who indwells and comforts believers
and empowers them to live Godly lives.
Created originally in God's image and likeness, but since involved in Adam's transgression, now possessed of a
sinful nature, subject to sin and death, and alienated from God.
Where God's righteousness and love were displayed in the death of His Son; where Christ died for sinners and made
possible a free offer of salvation to all who will believe in Him.
Of the believer to everlasting life and glory, but of the unbeliever to condemnation and eternal punishment.
Created and instituted by God as a lifelong covenant union between one man and one woman, and as such establishes
the only context for licit sexual intimacy. Furthermore, the gender of each individual is ordained of God and
cannot be changed or altered by human will.
A spiritual body composed of all believers. The dwelling place of God through the Spirit, whose members gather together
unto Christ for the purpose of worship, prayer, ministry, and evangelism.